Process and Timeline
Each phase builds upon the previous one to generate ideas and deepen our understanding of the issues and opportunities that will inform the Campus Master Planning effort.
Understanding Our Current Spaces and Facilities
Our campus master planning process will begin with input from those who know UTA best – our students, faculty, staff, and alumni. Through guided listening sessions, we will gain a deep understanding of our shared goals, aspirations, and current challenges for our existing campus facilities and spaces.
Exploring Campus Challenges and Opportunities
We will use data and analysis to explore campus challenges and opportunities, with a special focus on building conditions, parking needs, traffic flow for cars and pedestrians, and the quality of landscapes and natural systems. Focusing on these elements will help us determine opportunities for sustainable development and areas of improvement for our physical campus framework, from accommodating new building footprints to creating new transportation linkages and enlivening campus spaces.
Realizing Our Ideal Campus
The strongest ideas that emerge from the prior phases will inform our Campus Master Plan. From new development, renovation, reuse, and re-purposed space to recommendations for improvements to current campus systems, the Campus Master Plan will provide a strong, flexible framework to help guide the college for years to come.